Itoo Software Forum
RailClone => RailClone Pro (*) => Topic started by: LM1206 on May 03, 2019, 11:48:50 PM
I want to clad a clipping spline with an element, in this case a simple box. I have the spline, the element, and the 2D array connected together with the clipping checkmark checked. Everything works great if I use a max generated splines or splines created from objects generated in 3ds max. It does not work with splines created from imported geometry that was converted into an editable poly. My element is imported from Revit as an ascis object, then converted into an editable poly. The spline extracted from it seems to be fine, but it does not work as a clipping area: I can set it, but nothing is generated.
please try to reset splines xform. IF that wont help please attach Your file and we will check it.
The reset xform isn't working.
Some created splines work others don't. I've also tried to play with normals, works sometimes, others not.
I also want to make sure that this works with inset splines(ei for windows).
I've attached the file. The flat spline is created in 3ds, it works fine. Some of the splines created at the back of the building work fine. Others don't
Don't know if it makes a difference, but I actually import my objects as ASCIS solids so that their normals aren't all over. This file is how they usually come in. Same issue.
Sry this is the file to test.
omg, I've wasted 3 hours on this, I even used your plugin to extract boundary splines. If I rotate some of these splines, weird shit happens and I get to see the object at some points which makes me suspect that this is all to do w normals. Yet breaking the normals with an edit normals modifier creates a surface... What is going on?
Hi. I have opened Your scene:
Where should I look for misbehaving splines?
One more thing if You are using built in presets- they often use Limit to Material ID. so make sure You spline has Material ID = 1 as this is default ID.
Strange that there are no splines,
I will send you another file.
In any case, If you create a spline from any of the surfaces, half the time they don't seem to generate anything.
please attach file with splines and railclone object using them in some incorrect way. Thanks
Here it is.
Many of the splines seem to act a little weird. Several others just don't work at all as clipping areas.
I have 2 railclone generators. One of them always just dissapears and I have to find it in the search. Wondering why.
Here's the attachment
Thanks for file. Easy to debug.
Clipping splines has to be closed ones. (Usually welding vertices fixes problematic splines)
P.S. Please use Pro Board.