RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)

Railway sleepers with new sleeper at each corner


HI All

I'm not sure I've described this is the best possible manner, but It's all I can think of right now (so apologies)

The aim is to follow the outer edge of a shape with railway sleepers. With a new sleeper starting at each corner instead of a bevel (see attached ref image)
I am unable to have railclone make the sleepers end at each corner and a new sleeper to start with the offset of 10cm (sleeper thickness). Any solution i've come close with isnt 100% right and corners facing opposite directions are just facing the opposite way.

Here is an example (see closest corner)

Thanks in advance.

Paul Roberts:

Please see the attached sample. To recreate it you'd need to do the following:

- For the Segment, disable Bend and Slice
- Wire a Null segment to the Corner input.
- For Generator > Rules > Default settings, enable Adaptive mode and turn off Scale Padding
- For Generator > Rules > Corner set Bevel mode to none.
- Now adjust the Padding for the sleeper. Add a positive Right padding to move the sleeper following the corner, and then a negative left padding value to close up the gaps.

I hope that helps,


Ah so simple when you explain it, thanks Paul!


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