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Author Topic: Last tutorial problem: Creating Panelling and Wainscoting  (Read 1079 times)


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Last tutorial problem: Creating Panelling and Wainscoting
« on: March 02, 2017, 05:15:28 PM »
I just follow this tutorial and go in problem there : at 11mn26s in video or in text :
"3 -Create a new Arithmetic node and change the mode to Multiply. Wire the Numeric node and the rc-panel segment's Y Size attribute to the inputs. This is calculating the size needed for a given number of panels."
If I do as in tutorial it don't work, I need to invert the input : 1-rc panel Size and 2- #number of panel. If not I got zero.
Strange as it is a multiply node.
I run max 2017 and RCpro 2.7.4 win 7 french.
One question : if it exist tell me where, and if not I need it : is there a way ( like in unreal if I remember ) for each arithmetic node to see the result value ?
To see a output of an arithmetic node (except expression where we have the resulting value ) I need to make an arithmetic expression node with just input1...
It would be great to see directly on the node the value, so it would be more eay to find where is the problem.
Thanks for your great job.

Paul Roberts

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Re: Last tutorial problem: Creating Panelling and Wainscoting
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2017, 11:30:52 AM »

Thanks for contacting us and reporting this issue. With your help we have been able to identify a small bug in RailClone. If a integer is used in the first input of an arithmetic operator, any float values attached to other inputs are rounded down to the nearest whole number. We will make sure this is fixed in the next update, meanwhile, as you've discovered, the solution is to swap the inputs so that the first number attached is a float value.

I'll also add the ability to see the  result of calculations to our wish list.

Thanks again for the suggestions,

Paul Roberts
iToo Software