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Author Topic: Randomize texture & clipping area  (Read 3115 times)


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Randomize texture & clipping area
« on: February 19, 2017, 01:52:06 PM »
Hi there,

Ive got a pb after following Itoo tutorial alout making a woodenfloor with Railclone Pro..
See the screen shot below, the randomize texture works for one direction (not the band :D ) but not the other...

Also, I cant get how to randomize texture on the handrail... RC use the same texture for every instance of the object...
I tryed :
- Activate random per Mat ID option
- adding MatbyElement modifier on the wood object
- respecting Mat ID on each element (metal / wood)
- havinf a multisub mat to handle it...

RC always mix shaders all together, so I have to create one Linear1S for the metallic structures, and another one for the wooden handrail... Then i cant randomize wooden texture because it applies wood even on metallic parts.. even if i Limit Mat ID etc...

Please help me !

Thx !

Paul Roberts

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Re: Randomize texture & clipping area
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2017, 11:29:51 AM »

Thanks for contacting us. There are a couple of issues to address here:

Randomising Material IDs and UVWs with Corona.

At present the Materials and UVW Xform nodes are not natively supported by Corona render, in fact only V-Ray's SDK makes these features possible. The only way to get these two nodes to work is to disable the instancing engine. The option for this can be found in the Display rollout.

RC always mix shaders all together?

Unlike Forest Pack, RailClone does not automatically consolidate materials and reassign IDs automatically.  At present you need to create a Multi-Sub object material that uses the same material IDs as set on the source geometry, so the same material applied to both RailClone object and the individual components yields the same results.

In our original design for RailClone we expected material creation to be a part of the preparation to create a style. For example Forest includes the ability to consolidate materials because it's much more dependent on using multiple plants from different sources. But in RailClone each segment is usually designed uniquely for a specific style, so part of the design includes preparing the materials.

However we've had a few requests for this feature so it's now on our to-do list. Initially we would implement the same method used in Forest (create a multi-sub material on the fly), but we must evaluate carefully what side effects may be.

In any case, we want to provide a solution for this issue in the future

Until we release this feature you might find this quick tip useful. If you don't want to create a multi-sub object shader and re-assign IDs manually, an easy way to consolidate materials is as follows:

-    Attach all the objects into a single mesh. Use the default options, so Max creates the multi-sub object.
-    Detach each object back into separate objects.
-    Re-adjust the pivots if necessary.

You may find there are some scripts that can make a multi-sub object for you. For example I use RappaTools which has a Multi-Material from Selection option. This creates a multi-sub object material and automatically re-assigns the IDs. I believe the free version may have the same functionality, but we haven't tried it

I hope that helps, please let me know if you have any further questions.

Many Thanks,

Paul Roberts
iToo Software


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Re: Randomize texture & clipping area
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2017, 04:46:12 PM »
Ok, now I understand better why my efforts wasn't satisfied !  ;D

I already did what you said in the second part, but I will try asap the first one to see if it solve my pb...

Thank you very much for your long answer, tha'at what we call support !
