RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)

Road creation width


Good morning,

is there a solution with RC to make a road wider or narrower in some areas (corners f.e.)? A hint would be thankfully appreciated  :)


Hi, i'm afraid RailClone has not any feature to scale segments along the spline.

It's possible to get similar effects using Expressions, as described here.
But this method is not suitable for the case you describe, because scale is not progressive.


Was looking at this method because I'd like to use that in one of my future projects.
using the method described in the link I can make the path change width according to the height of the spline.
But if I project it onto a srf, this variable width disappears.

first attachment is wo the projection, just using the XSplineCoords.z
second is just with a plane with noise mod added to the rc L1S.

Michal KarmazĂ­n:
Hi Pieter,

Unfortunately, that's a current limitation of such work-flow (when the XSplineCoords.z variable is used in the Expression), because to conform the RC object to such Surface, these values are changed internally.

Anyway, it doesn't suit your needs very well, because as mentioned previously: "the scale is not progressive".

Best regards,


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