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Author Topic: Sharing values between RC objects  (Read 742 times)

Adnan Malkoç

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Sharing values between RC objects
« on: February 18, 2021, 07:27:53 AM »
Hello again!

I love the smell of new question in the morning.

I searched the forum but couldn't find any related topic about sharing values between RC objects. It's kinda master style but as much as I understand, master style only duplicates the RC object right? Everything same but the base spline. Is there any way to read some data from another RC object?

i.e. I have a style which creates frame system with a lot of options, user values etc. I want to create another RC style with decoratives which easily fits into the frame system, on the same spline. I may ask the user same questions again but matching all required values manually is a painstaking process. Also leads to errors. (especially when you have many copies) If RC can read some defined values from master style, it is possible to create more versatile and lightweight styles.

Actually it's sounds like Macro! You define inputs/outputs. Is it possible to access this values?


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Re: Sharing values between RC objects
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2021, 07:52:32 AM »

There is no built in function for that. We have not found elegant solution how to achieve that yet.

However there is a 3ds max tool under the hood called parameter wiring. With that You can achieve desired parameter linking:

Before You can wire a parameters they must be animated (make simple value animation on frame 1 and 2, wire and delete the keys) to be registered.

Hope this trick can help in Your case.


Adnan Malkoç

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Re: Sharing values between RC objects
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2021, 08:32:23 AM »
Ah yes, years ago I used parameter wirings few times but never thought that as an option. That's a nice trick actually.
It's not the best way but it looks like we have to wait some time until you implement that feature.

By the way if RC parameters supports 3ds max's wiring tool, it means we can create some intricate animations and stuff right? Cool :)

Thank you Rokas, our beloved hero!