RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)
Simple cladding problem
I am trying to do a simple metal cladding facade with Railclone,
I've started by a cladding templates (concrete cladding) it work well,
but my last segments are scaled, how to avoid it?
(I need them to be at the same size)
Sorry for my bad english,
Michal Karmazín:
Well, the mentioned style uses the “Scale final segment” macro. If you prefer to “slightly scale all these to fit”, you should be using the Adaptive Mode for the Default Segment instead.
The adaptive mode calculates the number of whole segments that would fit along a spline segment and then scales them on the X axis to fill the available space. This mode generates complete segments, with no clipping at the start or end of a spline segment.
I hope that helps.
Best regards,
I have the same problem and I've tried to do what you said but I'm lost!
I'm using the ‘Cladding’ macro and my last segments are scaled too.
So I edit to change to Adaptive Mode (in Array 2S). Is it right ??
Because nothing change !?
What am I doing wrong ?
Michal Karmazín:
When modifying the Cladding macro, you should bypass the Scale Final Segment macro by connecting the Material Operator directly to the Default Input. I hope that helps.
Best regards,
Thank you, I'll give a try
Anyway, I found another way to do what I wanted but will keep going on to test this macro
Best regards,
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