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Author Topic: Overlapping geometry in X & Y evenly 2D array  (Read 3592 times)


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Overlapping geometry in X & Y evenly 2D array
« on: February 17, 2015, 04:07:13 PM »
Just creating a simple 2D array for some ceiling tiles.  Here is the ceiling grid channels behind the tiles.  One mesh object, plugged into the Y evenly, all fine, then I plug it into the X evenly, via a 90deg rotate transform.  All looks fine, I like the way Railclone intersects the Y evenly channels too. 

On closer inspection though, the X evenly has doubled up the geometry.  I've added an edit poly and selected such elements to highlight in the image below.

known issue, or I'm doing something incorrect?

2D array setup

overlapping geometry

Paul Roberts

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Re: Overlapping geometry in X & Y evenly 2D array
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2015, 05:39:49 PM »

RailClone always puts a whole X Evenly segment where it intersects with a Y evenly row. This means that if the segment's height is larger than half the Y Evenly distance, unfortunately they will overlap. To fix this rescale the X Evenly segments until they no longer cross over (you could use your existing transform operator for this).

I hope that helps, let me know if you have any other questions.



Paul Roberts
iToo Software


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Re: Overlapping geometry in X & Y evenly 2D array
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2015, 11:43:43 AM »
Hi Paul,

Thanks.  After a bit of playing, I've removed the overlap and understand the concept now.  It was a long segment to begin with.  I think in your reply when you mention height, you mean length on the X axis, too large a segment, the pieces overlap, too small however, and we end up with a lot of segments.?  I've still got more segments than I want, but at least it's working.


Paul Roberts

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Re: Overlapping geometry in X & Y evenly 2D array
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2015, 12:03:49 PM »

Yes, you're right I should have said length. Because the segments are rotated it all got a bit confusing ;) Have you seen the ceiling tutorial?  It uses sequences instead of evenly segments but may reduce the number of segments used.

Many thanks,

Paul Roberts
iToo Software


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Re: Overlapping geometry in X & Y evenly 2D array
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2015, 04:06:02 PM »
yes I've had a quick scan through the ceiling tutorial, understanding the sequencing for offsetting the light panels etc in 2D arrays using conditional ops.  we do a lot of interior and services railclone models here as we animate fitout sequences.

Conscious of not developing bad habits, quick results, and trying to understand other features of Railclone, mind, so for this particular object I just wanted to chuck in some basic support channels, as I've been using the output nodes a lot more, and evenly seemed to be the obvious choice.  I liked the way it threw up a surprise though, as it's through things doing something 'odd' that we learn the correct way, and thanks for the quick reply.  As a busy guy I appreciate your prompt response.

PS, my colleague suggests you give us a tutorial on developing a scaffolding model,  so in essence, it can just be drawn out from two splines, one for horizontal and one for vertical.  I think he also means including decking at set heights, and intelligent trimming.  I assume this is similar-ish to your bookshelves tutorial.  (being french however he wants someone else to do it for him  ;) )  I wouldn't mind though.
