Itoo Software Forum

Author Topic: wishlist: option for transform to see the output of a compose as a single piece  (Read 1227 times)

Screenscene vfx

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Heya Folks!

Would it be possible to have an option where the transform operator can treat a compose input as a single model instead of working on their individual pieces? It's of course really convenient having the ability to put all the pieces from a compose through a single random rotate / scale / offset or a master rotation but it'd also be great to be able to compose a sequence of pieces into a single model and then rotate the entire lot as a composed unit - say for example I've got a path and I want to have a perpendicular column of a hedge evenly spaced along it. If I make a compose of a few hedge segments it'd be great to be able to take that compose and rotate it all 90 degrees using a transform so rather than being parallel to the path from the top view, it'd run vertical to the path kinda like this:


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Paul Roberts

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Thanks for the suggestion. You'll be pleased to know this is already on our wish list, in fact it's been requested by quite a number of people. Hopefully we can implement it in a future version. Until then I wonder if you could use an A2S generator instead for this effect?

Sample file is attached. I hope it helps. You should be able to combine this with the street file in the previous posts.


Paul Roberts
iToo Software

Screenscene vfx

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  • Posts: 36
Yep, I've done similar - thanks again!