RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)

Wrong tilling texture segments


I usually use Railclone to build facades and elements such as doors and windows and then apply them to RC SPLINE.
Although the material is usually already arranged on the segment in an appropriate way - on the Railclone object it looks scattered and does not match the TILLING settings in the material itself or in the texture.
I wanted to understand what could cause this and how can I arrange it so that it always behaves on the Railclone object according to the settings of the one on the segment?
I prefer to avoid giving a UVW MAP modifier to each Railclone object.
Is it possible to associate such MAPPING settings within the Railclone?
I do not really understand what the settings are used for in the shaped image and can they help me? Or use the UVW XFORM operator?

I would appreciate your explanation, thank you very much  8)

Paul Roberts:

Thanks for getting in touch. Have you tried using the Box mapping mode built into the Segment node? Here's some more info about it:

When activated, it generates UV coordinates of type "Box" on  the segment. Instead of using the default UV coordinates of the individual segment, this mapping is seamlessly tiled along the full length of the RailClone object.

Several options are available:

Apply Box Mapping: turns on RailClone's automatic box mapping mode
Real-World Map Size: turn on to use with materials set to use Real-World Map Size for tiling.
Length, Width, Height: sets the dimensions of the box map.
Rotation and Offset: Allows you to adjust the UVW mapping, .
Map Channel: Set the map channel to apply the box mapping, to map multiple channels enter them as a list separated with spaces.

Please note though, that this feature is available only in V-Ray, when Display->Instancing Engine is enabled. To use it in other renderers, you must disable the instancing setting.

I hope that helps,


Hi, thank you very much.
Unfortunately, I can't figure out how this actually works. I tried to "play" with the relevant parameters in the mode mapping box and nothing is updated in the scene/render.
I'm using Vray 7 and I made sure that Instancing Engine is enabled....


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