RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)

XVertexAngle and XVertexWideAngle



We are trying to put some pole along a spline, that stays inside the spline (the path, evenly). In angles, we need to get the pole back inside the spline, so we use :

basically, if the angle is inferior to 180°, we shift the pole position. (we use Numeric Input1 to measure pole wide)

For testing, we have linked Y scale to another Numeric operator with this : radToDeg(XVertexAngle) to show detected angle by RC.

But this formula gives us angles superior to 180° ! But description says scalar 0 to PI rad
On other hand, XVertexWideAngle give us angles always inferior to PI

So our understanding of XVertexAngle and XVertexWideAngle  are the opposite of their description.

Could you share some knowledge with us regarding this ?


Paul Roberts:

You are right the functions of XVertexAngle and XVertexWideAngle are switched in the current version of RailClone, we apologise for any problems this has caused. Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention it has been fixed for the next update due soon.

Kind regards,


Thanks Paul, at least we are not mad  ;)


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