RailClone > RailClone Pro Beta
Draw splines
Hi, the new spline operators are great. Also the ability to have them displayed in the viewport. However, would it be possible to display them even if there is no segment connected to the generator? For the initial setup of the whole RC this could be quite useful. Or conversely to be able to hide the whole gemoetry and leave only the splines.
Michal Karmazín:
There’s a new Draw Splines option (checkbox) under the Display rollout that lets you see the results of Spline Operators right in the viewports. I hope you find it useful.
Best regards,
Yes, of course I know that. But the point is that editing can be tedious for large RCs. If only the curves were displayed and not the geometry itself, it would be faster.
Michal Karmazín:
While it can be used with any empty segment, we’ll see what we can do to make the design process smoother. Thanks a lot for your feedback.
Best regards,
Thanks, it may sound like a small thing, but with experience with the spline offset free plugin (which is actually its implementation inside RC) I know that tuning a curve to have the correct offset, resolved overlays etc. is not always quick. And with the idea of large RCs it's quite challenging. So thanks. It's just an observation and I understand that it's probably not quite on the top of TODO :-)
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