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Macro - additional Numeric output


We had this discussion during RC5 development but nothing developed.

It would be great if we could have Numeric Output besides Segment Output.
Furthermore, how about multiple numeric outputs? This would be great! At the moment I have to create a macro for random rotation/translation to stay on the same Generator level and if I could have tree outputs I could do everything nice and clean in one macro. 

Yes. That's in the wishlist, but it requires major changes.
Currently nodes (including macros) can have a single output. We should modify, both the editor and the evaluation workfklow, to allow multiple outputs.


--- Quote from: iToo on March 21, 2023, 08:35:33 AM ---Yes. That's in the wishlist, but it requires major changes.
Currently nodes (including macros) can have a single output. We should modify, both the editor and the evaluation workfklow, to allow multiple outputs.

--- End quote ---



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