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RailClone Lite / Re: Spline Node Issue
« Last post by Michal Karmazín on Today at 12:10:16 PM »
You can use Motion Paths > Conversion Tools for these purposes. I hope that helps.

Best regards,
RailClone Lite / Re: Spline Node Issue
« Last post by ss on Today at 11:18:21 AM »
I checked your data and make sure it works precisely.
Then I tried to do it by myself. But, new problem has occured.
In my viewport there is no option of convert to editable spline, though there are editable mesh and NURBS options.
I think it is not Rail Clone issue but I want to know if you have any ideas.

Thanks a bunch,
RailClone Lite / Re: Spline Node Issue
« Last post by Michal Karmazín on Today at 10:09:11 AM »
Thanks for providing the scene. The issue is caused by using a NURBS Curve - you should use the Editable Spline object instead. Please find attached the modified scene (20240514_NURBSToEditableSpline_iToo.max).

Best regards,
RailClone Lite / Re: Spline Node Issue
« Last post by ss on Today at 09:13:16 AM »

Now I checked the Distance value, still no changes here...
(Also I switched the Mode under Evenly section from Distance to Count.)

I attached my scene file. There may be something that I missed.
RailClone version is 5.2.2. and 3ds Max is 2020.

Kindly regards,

Forest Pro (*) / Re: ETA Forest Pro 9 Beta and 3ds Max 2025
« Last post by iToo on Today at 09:09:43 AM »
This is not good. Doesn't Autodesk keep developers in the loop so plugins can be ready for MAX updates? I just moved over to MAX 2025. Didn't it come out two months ago?

Autodesk provides us a beta version so we can update our plugins, but they don't announce the final release date.
Unfortunately this time we were too busy with other tasks, and had not time to prepare the upgrade until the last minute (a poor excuse, i know... but it's the reality).

With Max 2025, the release coincided with the latest stages of Forest 9, so we had to work on both tasks simultaneously.
Futhermore, this Max build requires some internal changes, so we are applying them to the Forest 9 code, keeping the Forest 8 branch in hold.

Said that, the core of Forest 9 for Max 2025 is already finished. We're working now in the ForestIvy models for the library, installer, and other auxiliary tasks.
On parallel, we're preparing RailClone for 2025. Our plan is to release both plugins simultaneously.

I hope everything is ready in the next days.

RailClone Lite / Re: Spline Node Issue
« Last post by Michal Karmazín on Today at 08:44:26 AM »

I would suggest you check/adjust the Distance value (which determines the space between segments) under Properties > Rules > Evenly of the used L1S Generator. I hope that helps.

Best regards,
RailClone Lite / Spline Node Issue
« Last post by ss on Today at 04:56:27 AM »
I am just trying to set the box object along the curve01.
Though I linked spline node and segment node, nothing has changed on my viewport.
Is there any solution?
RailClone Lite / Re: No Size or Spline on X
« Last post by ss on Today at 04:47:18 AM »
I made sence about X Size, thanks a lot.
Forest Pro (*) / Re: ETA Forest Pro 9 Beta and 3ds Max 2025
« Last post by Bobby Parker on May 13, 2024, 09:22:51 PM »
This is not good. Doesn't Autodesk keep developers in the loop so plugins can be ready for MAX updates? I just moved over to MAX 2025. Didn't it come out two months ago?
Forest Pro (*) / Re: AcesCG workflow
« Last post by grue on May 11, 2024, 12:08:37 AM »
from what i could tell from reading vray docs and looking at vray assets from cosmos, the idea is that you could also go through the bitmaps > convert them to vraybitmaps > then set the color space transfer funtion & further down, RGB primaries to sRGB & sRGB primaries.

now, for forest objects i was using the built in vray converter bitmap to vraybitmap.

for my last playing around with it, the colors aren't going to be super exact render-to-render, but it's pretty close to the old gamma workflow.

the other thing is, in the 3ds max color management settings i set my displays and views like the attached image.  this gives me the benefit of saving out a 16bit tif file from the vray frame buffer. so you get not only the wider color gamut, but also greater bit-depth in the image which is the best way to capture and work with all the colors you can.

in the vray frame buffer, when you are going to save, make sure include the option to save the color profile (aRGB) in the image when you save it.

finally, i think that doing the "the color space transfer funtion & further down, RGB primaries to sRGB & sRGB primaries" set like this assumes the maps are in srgb to begin with.  which i think is pretty safe to assume depending on where you get your actual bitmaps.  downloading a logo  for a company from their website, you assume it was prepared with srgb in mind.  srgb is more or less the standard and has been for a long time.

the cosmos trees i have in a scene right now are all set to srgb/srgb so that means they prepared the leaves and the trunk/branch maps in srgb.
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