Assets > The3DGarden Collections

Looking for Pinus sylvestris trees.


Tobias Jansson:

I have browsed the contents of 3DGarden but can't find any mature to old Pinus sylvestris. Do you have any plans to release this in a collection? I am specifically looking for trees to populate northern Europe (Sweden) forests. Also looking for Betula models of varying age. Perhaps these models are already in the collection but I can's find any..

Edit: Found the Silver Birch but still looking for Pinus Sylvestris

Michal KarmazĂ­n:
Hi Tobias,

As you've already found, there are several Silver Birch models available. However, for Pinus trees, our collections currently only include Pinus halepensis, Pinus pinaster, and Pinus pinea species.

Best regards,

Tobias Jansson:
Do you have any plans to create pinus sylvestris trees? And out of curiosity how frequent do you add material to the 3DGarden? :)


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