Assets > The3DGarden Collections

Problems loading The3DGarden samples


Tobias Jansson:
I have the latest version of ForestPack and V-Ray6 and when I try to load the included The3DGarden samples I get errors saying the models were made in a newer version of 3dsMax, I use 3dsMax 2020. I also get an error saying the samples does not include material for the current render engine. All the models load fine but without materials. See included pictures.

edit: on closer inspection it seems the V-Ray materials (not the models) were saved in a newer version of Max.

Michal KarmazĂ­n:
Hi Tobias,

Thank you very much for reporting this issue. It's been resolved, and the material libraries in the older 3ds Max 2020 format will be published soon. In the meantime, I've sent the files to you via email. I hope this helps.

Best regards,

Tobias Jansson:
Thank you very much!
Everything works perfectly now. :)


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