RailClone > Tutorials
Create a curtain wall building
Thank you very much!!! Its great and helpfull. But still i dont understend how to cap these holes (look at screenshot) and how i can operate with this black strips? for example for making window #2 and #3..
for example i made some slieced part of window with evenly default part and end parts... maybe it will helps for getting answer for my question
Michal Karmazín:
Well, RailClone currently doesn't include any "cap" feature - usually sliced Segments are completed with the Start/End segments in case of Linear 1S Gemerator, or Sides enclosing Array 2S.
Probably the easiest way would be to "prepare" (model / attach corresponding border part) the Segment used for the Y Evenly ("win_centr_ev_01" in your case) in a similar way as the Segment used for the Top Side ("window_by_max002 Default-Top").
Best regadrs,
Well, anyway Thanks! it doesnt solve my problem. but maybe i need to make this window in other way.. :(
Michal Karmazín:
If you don't see the advised option (attaching the "cap" to Segment(s) used for the Y Evenly part of the style) for any reason suitable for your needs, what about "scaling" Default's X Size & Y Size parameters of the window Segment ("window_by_max002") with cap in a similar way as the "win_centr_ev_01" one? Attaching a modified scene.
Best regards,
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