RailClone > Tutorials

Creating randomised books

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Hi Paul,

Yes this is exactly what I've been looking for!

Please do I appreciate that you posted it here instead of email. I'm sure there are people like me looking for this kind of solution and here you are!

Thank you so much!

I have 3 problems here

1) I see that the padding that can be played around at "Books" Array, Segment (default 30, null connected to X Evenly) and you added a generator of "Scale final X seg." My question is how do I know the exact way to achieve control better by adjusting "Left" and "Right" to avoid crashing through against the upright wall. Because playing around for each padding confuses me while looking different upright width at different locations and is hard to control or I lack my knowledge of how it works?

2) When adjusting the padding to get perfect avoiding from crashing through or stop the books intersecting, I noticed that the book ended up a small book (I mean less pages even about 1-5 pages or sometimes doesn't even look like a book instead of a lot of pages). Is there a way I can tell books to not go maybe less than 100 pages or at least make it look like it's a book?

3) Lastly you mentioned that you set the mode to Tile from Adaptive. I set it to Adaptive because I thought it helped to avoid slice and unnecessary added books after the end of the bookshelf. If I want to set a Tile like you did, all I need is to go to each segment of books and uncheck "Slice" from the "Deform" tab to get rid of the slice?

Hi I havent use RC in a while, so, I was following this tutorial and I cannot reproduce the leaning of the books, this is an old method and even with the updated files I cannot reproduce it, its strange coz the file its showing exactly the same as I have but my ressults are different, I have deleted the object in the file and when reproduce it exactly the "error" appears.

I could play with rotation angles but its not the same
The only "solution" was to use Padding and fixed rotation

It ssems that the old solution was practically perfect, I know things have changed, but I was wondering why the updated file seems ok but when reproducing its not the same ressult

Also Im not getting any random ressults with Nest option, using Random seed doesnt seem to work, what I have done is export custom seed from each

Michal Karmazín:
Hi Charly,

Since this tutorial was recorded, the behavior of the Transform operator has changed slightly. Initially, rotating using the fixed transform controls did not alter the size of the bounding box used to calculate adjacent segments. However, in recent versions, to match the behavior of the Segment node, the bounding box does change when using the fixed transform controls, causing the segments to be pushed apart.

To address this, instead of entering the angle in the Fixed Rotation settings, set identical values in both the minimum and maximum fields in the Random Transform section. Ensure that the "Transform affects size" option is disabled. This will rotate the objects without altering the bounding box size.

Please note that you may experience slight overlapping since the segments are rotating in their original positions. For greater accuracy, you can use expressions to calculate the exact position of adjacent segments based on the bounding box's width, height, and angle, along with some trigonometry. I've attached an example of this technique for your reference.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

Hi Michal:

Thanks for the tip and the file, this will be useful
-About the "transform affects size", in this example I need to deactivate for each segment, this option is not avaiable in the transform operator, could we have it in future release?
-About random seed for Nests segments..... doesnt seem to work anymore, Do I need to activate something else?

Michal Karmazín:
We'll see what we can do. In recent versions, for randomization, instead of 'importing' these nested styles as Segments, you should 'combine' these objects into a single style.

I hope that helps.

Best regards,


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