RailClone > Tutorials
Creating randomised books
Paul Roberts:
Hi, I'm afraid this is a limitation when using a nested RC object that includes randomisation, because each inner object must be rebuilt for every iteration. In the past when a style like this has become particularly heavy, once set up I have set it to Display as Box manually from the object properties.
--- Quote from: Paul Roberts on October 29, 2014, 07:17:19 PM ---To use this feature, instead of using small splines for the leaning and piles of books, specify a length using the X Size parameter found in the L1S Generator's properties:
--- End quote ---
It doesn't work for me on vertical pile of books...
Paul Roberts:
Hi Rokas,
When using the X Size, you may want to set the Stacked RailClone object to Free Object, this will mean that the books are generated on the pivot point. They were being created before but they're lost in the scene somewhere.
Because there's no spline the books are being created horizontally:
So to fix this, open the RailClone object into which they are nested, go to their segment's properties and rotate them by 90 degrees:
The style should now behave as expected and can be used as a preset :)
Hope that helps.
Many thanks,
I'm currently following the randomised books tutorial and one feature is not behaving as expected. Even when I open the books_end_vray file the feature is not working. Unless I'm missing something (I am new to this) this makes me think that with the new RC versions something changed?
The problem appears when you rotate the books. A gap appears between the books, as if their projection doesn't allow them to keep together.
How could I get arround this?
Thank you in advance!
Paul Roberts:
Since recording that tutorial there has been a small change to the way in which RailClone handles fixed rotations. You can find an explanation of this and a couple of solutions in our Knowledge Base here .
I hope that helps but please let me know if there's anything further I can do.
Many thanks,
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