RailClone > Tutorials

Creating Roofs with RailClone

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Paul Roberts:
Please post any question or comments about the Creating Roofs with RailClone tutorial here.

it was there 2 days back on the tuts page, why its gone now, are you guys updating the files or the video, because i downloaded the tut files and it gave me an error about vray, mass effect etc and also i think there is physical camera in the scene which might not be compatible with older versions of 3dsmax...

Paul Roberts:
Hi, thanks for reporting that. We'll look into it. It does require a quite recent version of V-Ray and you may get a MassFX error because it was created in 3DS Max 2018 and saved back to 2015. You can safely ignore it though. I'll look into swapping the physical cameras.

Hi Paul,
Thanks a lot for the quick reply.
I am using the vray version 3.60.03 and also 3dsmax 2015 so i think using ofnormal vray physical camera might be useful for many user who are still using older versions of 3dsmax...
Thanks a lot again....

Paul Roberts:

Thanks for the extra information. I've swapped all the Physical Cameras for V-Ray cameras and removed the MassFX warnings in the new files so hopefully that will help out. Files are now saved back as far as 2014 as well. They should be available now.

Thanks again,



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