RailClone > Tutorials

Parameterising Windows with RailClone

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Ok, yes, now is working. I just forgot to check "Extend to Side" in X Evenly parameters.


Hi, master railcloning del fuego teams. I'm doing this tutorial but I want to use it to do some concrete pannel instead and using de X and Y spline marker (with a vertex control) to control in wich position each joint will be on the X axis and on the Y axis independentrly. I have almost done it, but i got some little problem. The x marker work great, but when I plug my node in the Y marker it does'nt work. And the worse part is that my node controling the Y axis (With the arithmetic expression) does not work always the same way. Sometimes it put my evenly segment (on evenly and at the end) and some other time it put only my end segment int the evenly place and at the end. And on top of that I have segment jonction that I really don't know where or how to put it in all of that puzzle. I really deaply wish someones can help me on that one because I'm gonna need that exact same kind of railclone for 4 or 5 another stuff i need to do. I'have attached some JPG in case, I hope it will be understandable. thanks in advance.

And by the way, The arithmetic expression in the video doesn't work for me. I had to download the files and in the downloaded files, the expression was the ones that i use and seems to work for me. And i don't know why  ;D

Paul Roberts:

From your screenshot it looks as though the Arithmetic node for the Y marker is missing return at the beginning. That may help. If not, feel free to send us your Max file and we'll take a close look.


Hi Paul, Here is my file. And sorry, my mistake, I didn't take the good screenshot. The expression is the same in my scene except that for the Y marker. I change the Y for the X. And this is the result I have. Thanks for the quick response. really appreciate

Paul Roberts:
Thanks for the file. Please check out the attached. It uses a different approach involving a macro called Segment Y Role. Actually this is the way I would recommend from now on, the original window tutorial is a little out of date now and due to be re-recorded.

Although not a window, this coffered ceiling tutorial is more up to date and includes info on how to use the Segment Y Role macro. https://www.itoosoft.com/tutorials/creating-a-procedural-coffered-ceiling-with-3ds-max-and-railclone

I hope that helps,


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