RailClone > Tutorials
Parameterising Windows with RailClone
Thank you very much. i'm starting to digging into that right now.
Hi! Am new to using Railclone. Finally after three weeks of scratching my head I did get the Parametric Window Tutorial. I am still to use it in a project yet but it was worth the time. Just wanted to understand how I can Add a Sub X evenly and a Sub Y evenly inside my existing Window without disturbing the outer frame.
Paul Roberts:
Glad to hear you're making strides learning RailClone. Is that image your current window, or what you'd like to be able to achieve?
Many thanks,
Hi Paul, This is what I want to achieve. I wish I was able to do this in Railclone. :) I am an Architect and this is the client reference but I do not know how to convert your sample window into this.
Paul Roberts:
Hi, please take a look at the attached sample file that uses several more modern techniques than the original tutorial, including
- Uses two generators, one for the frame, and one for the glazing
- Uses markers on the X and Y Spline to add the main frame divisions
- Uses nested generators to add the glazing inside the frame. To get the size we use the recently added XSectionAdjustedLength attribute
- Uses the segmentYRole macro to target where the evenly columns intersect with the sides and one another.
I hope it helps. It's quite an advanced style, so please let me know if you have any questions.
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