Forest Pack > Tutorials

Populating Buildlings

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Paul Roberts:
Post here your questions and comments about the Populating Building Interiors with Forest Pack and RailClone tutorial.

Hello Everyone,

I've been following this tutorial with the hope of being able to make the process of furnishing our buildings much faster, but I am encountering a rather weird problem to which I can't find the solution! (I should probably say by now that I have only just started using forest pack...)

I am attaching 3 images to illustrate the problem, which essentially is that all all the objects I add to the list are squeezed vertically. The first image I've attached shows the original box and the squeezing effect when I use it with forest pack. The second and third show this inconvenience when I use the furniture!

Thanks in advance for your time!

Paul Roberts:

It looks as though some of the objects in that scene have been scaled disproportionately. To fix it you'll need to reset the XForm's by following these steps:

1 - Select the Surface floor plate
2 - Open the Utilities Panel.
3 - Select the Reset XForm utility and click Reset Selected.  This will "reset" it's local coordinates / scale and should fix the issue.

4 - Create a new Forest object using the surface.

I hope that helps, please let me know if you have any further questions.

Many thanks!


Hope this helps you, but in case of any further questions or doubts please don't hesitate to contact us. Have a nice day.

Thank you very much for your reply Paul!

Edmar cortez:
Hi, im a new user of RC and im trying to follow up the Rail clone part, when i export the X parameter an i introduce the units the object replicates on the side and not on top


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