RailClone > Work in Progress

Array and clipping area


Hello, is there any possibilities for my rc array (a) could be only visible in the area "b"?

thank you

Michal KarmazĂ­n:

You can manually position it where you need to and then apply the clipping operation in the following way:

* Enter a value in Properties > Geometry > Y Size to create an array large enough to cover the area.
* Move the entire RC object over the clipping spline so that the lights are positioned where you would like them and enable Free Object from the Style rollout.
* Open the Base Objects rollout and select the clipping spline from the scene to update the clipping operation.I hope that helps if anything needs clarifying or you need further assistance please let me know.

Best regards,

hello, thank you for your reply.

I did manage something, more cheap and dirty than academic.

I have 440x4400mm case (A)  to distribute with 70mm of space in between X & Y

Linear spline for the path and close spline for the clipping area (1). Solution is more or less ok but i need to create a three block object (B)

But, to be more flexible i thought i can do an array (2)... which i did.

1) 70mm space in between on X each is pretty easy to make it work
2) impossible to manage 70mm space in between on Y
3) how can i make the array's objects follow the wished spline (W)

any tips would be great

have anice week end

small update

Array extend X/Y space between objects is respected but not following the wished curve (cyan)

Array spline in X, space between object is respected but object size is not, Mode Tile, adaptive, i don't even understand why there is 0 to 100% value since it does not change anything. I don't get it, why the distribution cannot start on the left and end on the right with cropped object.

"RailClone is a parametric modelling and spline-cloning plugin for 3ds Max. Aimed at making asset creation more artist-friendly."

When you said artist-friendly, does your artist have between a 140 & 172 iq and knows arithmetic has nothing to do with a mucus condition ?

different approach (base on tutorial, how to create something complicated instead of something simple to start)

X spline path
y spline profile
spline for clipping area

simple object
tile-adaptive etc..

result different but still wrong, im amazed, playing with this for 2 hours, connecting nodes, cut the source object in different parts...

doing the job manually like "artist friendly", visually correct. time spend 20 minutes. Doing the job in autocad and export dwg 6 minutes.

But I still haven't found what im looking for and, above all, a client asking me to paint ivy on walls.


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