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Author Topic: how it works? in the horizontal position of the spline, everything is cut out  (Read 56050 times)

Yuriy Bochkaryov

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RailClon is a great plugin, it allows you to do cool things, BUT sometimes it's just awful, it can't do basic things, which makes the job unbearably long and complicated
why is geometry always cut easily if the splines are horizontal and there is always a problem, for many years I don't know why I put up with this, in 100% vertical position the splines stop cutting the geometry inside themselves
please fix this - and my life will be better, and not only mine
this problem has been preventing me from doing my job quickly for years, I don't know why I'm only writing about this now
this prevents railclone from being used in a vertical position
Skype:  Hunter-3d

Paul Roberts

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Hello Yurly - does resetting the XForm of the spline once it is vertical help? I've found in the past that it sorts out these issues.

Paul Roberts
iToo Software

Yuriy Bochkaryov

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Hello Yurly - does resetting the XForm of the spline once it is vertical help? I've found in the past that it sorts out these issues.


Hi Paul
reset xform. and Scale points of the spline help but very rarely
when the spline is in a horizontal position everything works perfectly, but if you use splines in a vertical position, problems immediately begin, the railclone refuses to cut the geometry
I attached the video to the post above, it shows that if you rotate the spline, then the problems are in the vertical position, even a slight slope of the splines allows it to work correctly, but not vertically
this is a very big problem for me, and probably for many
Now all projects increase the detail of the geometry, on the walls we use slats, tiles, bricks and much more with the help of railclone, but because of this error, I constantly suffer, spend a lot of time to find a solution to this problem.
Sometimes it is enough to scale the spline points to 0 value, but after I close and open the scene again, the railclone does not cut along the spline again, and I again have to scale the spline points to 0 value
If it works so perfectly with horizontal splines, what's the problem with vertical splines?
Haven't you been able to solve this problem for so many years?
What is the difference between horizontal and vertical splines?
Skype:  Hunter-3d

Paul Roberts

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Hello Yurly - it's quite a complex thing to determine which splines are inside another and thus are cutting a hole vs creating a new array so sometimes we have to give it a helping hand. In the past things that have helped include resetting the XForm once the spline is vertical (as mentioned), but also giving RailCLone some clues by assigning the same Material ID to all the splines that make a single wall, and then using Hierarchy Checking > By Material ID

If you're able to upload a problematic spline then I'd be happy to take a further look.

Paul Roberts
iToo Software

Yuriy Bochkaryov

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Hello Yurly - it's quite a complex thing to determine which splines are inside another and thus are cutting a hole vs creating a new array so sometimes we have to give it a helping hand. In the past things that have helped include resetting the XForm once the spline is vertical (as mentioned), but also giving RailCLone some clues by assigning the same Material ID to all the splines that make a single wall, and then using Hierarchy Checking > By Material ID

If you're able to upload a problematic spline then I'd be happy to take a further look.


Hi Paul
unfortunately now I don’t have such an example, I always solve the expected problem, or it’s a reset xform. either Scale points of the spline, or by simplifying the splines, I make a separate small fragment of the spline with a place where the geometry will be cut.
I just don't understand - why does it work so well in a horizontal position and so poorly in a vertical one?
Can you fix it?
I think that would be great! This will greatly facilitate the work for me, and for many beginners who will encounter this problem for the first time and will not know how to solve it due to lack of experience.
Skype:  Hunter-3d

Yuriy Bochkaryov

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Paul, I have another problem - when I use several closed spline shapes combined into one spline, then my geometry pattern within the spline does not have a single pattern. Each fragment of the spline is perceived by the railclone as a single element, which leads to a different geometry pattern.
For example, my wall consists of wooden boards, I have several closed splines combined into one to make boards, and their pattern does not match. But if this is one complex spline, then the geometry pattern should also be calculated as a single one, and not individually for each fragment of a closed spline.
How to solve this problem?
I have looked through all the settings but have not found a solution.
Now I have to break the splines into small fragments, and through the offset settings adjust the pattern manually on each spline so that it looks like a single whole
I have attached an example scene in this post below for 3dmax 2019
Skype:  Hunter-3d

Paul Roberts

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Hello Yurly,

There's not a way around this when using Extend X/Y size to area mode. Each closed spline creates a new 2d array starting from its corner. THis is the desired behaviour for things like windows, but as you've discovered, it doesn't work well if you want cladding to line up. Instead you would disable Extend X Y Size to area and just create and array that's large enough to cover the whole wall. Then use the same spline as a clipping area. Please see the attached for an example.

Paul Roberts
iToo Software

Yuriy Bochkaryov

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Hello Yurly,

There's not a way around this when using Extend X/Y size to area mode. Each closed spline creates a new 2d array starting from its corner. THis is the desired behaviour for things like windows, but as you've discovered, it doesn't work well if you want cladding to line up. Instead you would disable Extend X Y Size to area and just create and array that's large enough to cover the whole wall. Then use the same spline as a clipping area. Please see the attached for an example.

Hi Paul
It looks good!
But it only works well with your spline and your railclone
it doesn't work with other spline and other railclone and i can't figure out what i'm doing wrong
i have attached the scene below
what's wrong?
In railclone, I have exactly the same settings, but it doesn't work, is there something wrong with the spline?
Skype:  Hunter-3d

Paul Roberts

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Please see the GIF below. When you aren't using Extend X/Y Size to area you must orient the RailClone object so that it's parallel to the wall and in the bottom left corner. Click Build when you're done to see the results.

Paul Roberts
iToo Software

Yuriy Bochkaryov

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Please see the GIF below. When you aren't using Extend X/Y Size to area you must orient the RailClone object so that it's parallel to the wall and in the bottom left corner. Click Build when you're done to see the results.


this is interesting, I didn’t know that the icon affects the orientation in space, I thought its role was decoration
thanks for the info Paul!
Skype:  Hunter-3d