Hello Yurly - does resetting the XForm of the spline once it is vertical help? I've found in the past that it sorts out these issues.
Hi Paul
reset xform. and Scale points of the spline help but very rarely
when the spline is in a horizontal position everything works perfectly, but if you use splines in a vertical position, problems immediately begin, the railclone refuses to cut the geometry
I attached the video to the post above, it shows that if you rotate the spline, then the problems are in the vertical position, even a slight slope of the splines allows it to work correctly, but not vertically
this is a very big problem for me, and probably for many
Now all projects increase the detail of the geometry, on the walls we use slats, tiles, bricks and much more with the help of railclone, but because of this error, I constantly suffer, spend a lot of time to find a solution to this problem.
Sometimes it is enough to scale the spline points to 0 value, but after I close and open the scene again, the railclone does not cut along the spline again, and I again have to scale the spline points to 0 value
If it works so perfectly with horizontal splines, what's the problem with vertical splines?
Haven't you been able to solve this problem for so many years?
What is the difference between horizontal and vertical splines?