RailClone > Work in Progress
Railclone and curved spline
Yuriy Bochkaryov:
Good afternoon
I want to make tiles on the roof of the house, the roof has a bend along the Z axis, railclone works fine if the bends go along the X and Y axes, but if there is a bend along the Z axis, then the railclone stops working correctly
I tried using the surface node, but it also doesn't work very well at the edges of the spline, and in general it gives quite unpredictable results
below attached the scene example
Hi, sorry I dont have time to explain :-\ so I just make a few print screens
Yuriy Bochkaryov:
--- Quote from: Dragan on August 02, 2022, 08:20:07 AM ---Hi, sorry I dont have time to explain :-\ so I just make a few print screens
--- End quote ---
thanks, but this can't be the solution
you just increased the size of the surface for tiling, thereby getting rid of problems on the edges, where the railclone does not correctly process the geometry.
Does this solution work if you have one or more fragments, but if you have a complex roof? does every fragment have to do this? I have 18 houses in the scene with such a complex roof - so this solution is not suitable
Well, RC deforms just on z axis and needs a little bit larger surface than the clipping spline.
If you have some extended percentage in Generator this will be the equivalent as you did the offset spline so you need a bigger offset for the surface as well.
Yuriy Bochkaryov:
--- Quote from: Dragan on August 02, 2022, 11:21:06 AM ---Well, RC deforms just on z axis and needs a little bit larger surface than the clipping spline.
If you have some extended percentage in Generator this will be the equivalent as you did the offset spline so you need a bigger offset for the surface as well.
--- End quote ---
I understand that this can be used on 1 house, as it is inconvenient and wastes extra time
I have 18 houses, this method will not work
18 houses, create each roof element separately a little larger, then exclude it from the render - it's not realistic
I need to create about 80-100 additional elements with a slightly larger size )
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