Forest Pack > Work in Progress
Question : Burnt forest ?
Found it with the Forest Tool utility panel !
Thanks :)
An alternative solution is to change the opacity map of the leaf material itself to all black so that those items render as invisible. Further to that, if you want, you can input a forestcolor or coronamultimap into the same slot with the original leaf texmap into it, and if using forest colour, set the custom colour map as a black and white map (ideally more black than white) and set the blend mode to multiply. For Coronamultimap, set it to two slots, in the first slot put the leaf opacity texmap and in the second, leave it blank and set the color to black. Change the randomness mode to By Mesh Element (and perhaps By Instance) and reduce the first slot's strength to like 0.1 or even 0.01.
By using these aforementioned solutions, some leaves may remain on the branches. You can colour correct them to be brown/orange so they're definitely not green but they also didn't burn away entirely.
I use this same method just in general with full, lively trees. By randomizing mesh elements between invisible and visible, even if 10-20% of the leaves disappear, it helps generate a little bit more randomness, especially with trees in the foreground.
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