Note: Beta versions include new features and fixes, but a beta version is NOT the final version of the product and therefore we not guarantee an absence of errors that may disrupt the computer's operation and/or result in data loss. Use it always at your own risk.
Registered users of RailClone Pro can download the upgrade from the
User Panel->Beta versions.
RailClone Pro 2.2.2 beta- Added support for V-Ray 3.0 final.
RailClone Pro 2.2.1 beta- 76 new styles added to the library:
* Architecture->Exterior->Fences->Wood
* Architecture->Exterior->Guttering
* Architecture->Interior->Circulation->Escalators
* Architecture->Interior->Flooring
* Entourage and Props->Shelving and Storage
- Library scheme has been reorganized to include the new and future styles.
Style Editor:
- Added icons and shortcuts for Enable (Ctrl+E), Disable (Ctrl+D), Expand (Ctrl+X) and Collapse (Ctrl+L) actions.
- Renamed exported parameters of Transform operator to match with Segment ones.
- Fixed several bugs with Segment->Mapping.
- Fixed alignment issues with certain Y Splines on arrays.
- Fixed potential crash on Max exit.
- Fixed crash when Style Editor close if there are nodes selected.
- Fixed crash cloning Mirror nodes.
- Fixed: length of Left Padding on empty segments is double as intended.
Note: to keep compatibility with existing scenes, this fix is applied only in styles created with v.2.2.1 or above.
RailClone Pro 2.2.0 betaNew features and changes:
- New Parameter node: Random number.
- Added General->Stats information window.
- Added Segment->UV Mapping->Rotation.
- New Default mode: Count, allows to define a fixed number of segments.
- Linear 1S Generator can be built without a spline, setting X Size parameter.
- Added Style->Geometry->Free Object. When enabled, RailClone doesn't use the spline's position, only its shape.
Use it to move RC freely along the scene (without the spline), or to create instanced objects.
- Added up/down arrows to Base Objects/Parameters lists.
- Fixed error that would generate misaligned segments on render.
- Fixed error using geometric shader and mirrored segments.
- Constant parameters are affected by Geometry->Global scale.
- Fixed: Compose operator works properly with Default->Scale mode.
- Fixed: Material Sequence operator was adding +1 to the ID value.
- Fixed: Segment->Flat Top/Bottom controls are disabled if Bend is off.
- Fixed alignment of initial segment when using Vertical or Stepped mode.
- Fixed: some arithmetic expressions are evaluated as integer values.
- Fixed Randomize operator with nested RC objects.
- Fixed Region Clipping using nested splines on specific viewport aligments.