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Author Topic: RailClone Pro 5.0.0 beta  (Read 4726 times)


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RailClone Pro 5.0.0 beta
« on: September 07, 2021, 01:22:27 PM »
Note 1: Beta versions include new features and fixes, but a beta version is NOT the final version of the product and therefore we don't guarantee there won't be errors that may disrupt the computer's operation and/or result in data loss. Always use it at your own risk.

RailClone 5.0.0 beta

New features and changes:

- Added support of 3DS Max groups in Segments.
   * To assign a group, use Selector by Name. It's not possible to pick a group directly from scene.
   * Groups cannot be 'embedded' within the RC object. When a Group is deleted from scene, it's removed from RailClone as well.

- Added experimental support for non-geometric objects (including lights).
   * Currently there is no native support for any renderer. As a workaround, objects are inserted in the scene before rendering, and removed once completed.
   * Size of some non-geometric objects may not be reliable or change depending on the active viewport. If that affects to your style, we suggest to use the "Fixed Size" feature.
   * Non-geometric segments are displayed in the viewport with the Material ID defined by Display->"Non-geom Mat.ID"

- Added Display->"Proxy Cache" mode. It lets you bake a RailClone object into the scene or an external file.
   * Baked objects load and render much faster, because RailClone doesn't rebuild them. This is especially interesting for complex styles.
   * A baked object cannot be modified or edited. If you want to change it, set Proxy mode to 'Disable', make the changes and bake it again.
   * Size of Proxy Cache depends of the object complexity, including number of segments and its geometry. You can check proxy size from the Display rollout.
   * Proxy Cache is available for RailClone Pro only.
   * Several limitations apply:
      - The viewport display is limited to the mode that was active when the proxy was created. Note that this does not affect the render.
      - 'Material by Segment' and non-geometric objects are supported in Embedded mode only.
      - Result may be different depending of the active render engine, when Proxy was generated. If you change the renderer, we suggest regenerating the Proxy.
   * Proxy Cache can be managed from Maxscript using $.setProxyMode <mode> <externalFile>
      - For Disabled, use $.setProxyMode 0 "". It returns an empty string.
      - For Embedded, use $.setProxyMode 1 "". It returns proxy's size.
      - For External, use $.setProxyMode 2 "proxyFileName.rcproxy". It creates and saves the proxy (overriding the file if exists), and returns a description error when failed.

- Added modifier modes to Generator->Evenly->Adaptive: Even, Odd and Any.

- Added Segment->Deform->"Force Instance". When enabled, a Segment is always instanced on rendering.
   * Instanced segments cannot be bent or sliced, and Z Deform is restricted as well.

- Added a new type of Numeric Parameter: Selector.
   * Parameter is selected from a list of predefined items, which are shown in Max rollout using a combo list.
   * Each item has an associated float value, which is returned as the parameter's output. It can be cast as an integer as well.

- Vertex Weld is removed.
   * This feature was introduced in the initial RC releases. It no longer has any sense, because is not efficient with complex styles and breaks instancing.
   * If needed, use a standard Weld modifier instead.

Other fixes:

- Improved slicing accuracy for Segments placed near edges of a Clipping Area.
- Fixed potential crash on RailClone Stats.
- Fixed potential crashing bug using Display->"Quick Mesh" mode.
- Fixed: Styles with multiple dependencies between Segments (as Exported Parameters linked to Exported Attribues), are not built correctly with Display->Update.
- Fixed: RCSpline Data Sets are only available to the first spline in the Base Objects list.
- Fixed: RCSpline User Data (Scene Units) not scaling correctly with System Unit change.
- Fixed crash initializing plugin when RailClone registry key doesn't exist.
- Fixed: Configuration Environment Variables aren't prioritized over HKLM / HKCU.

Style Editor

- Added full support for non-ascii characters (as Chinese).

Registered users can download the upgrade from the User Panel->Beta versions. For any question about this release, please use the RailClone beta forum.

« Last Edit: November 10, 2021, 11:33:28 AM by iToo »
Carlos Quintero
iToo Software