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Author Topic: Please help me improve  (Read 6962 times)


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Please help me improve
« on: January 20, 2011, 11:47:39 PM »
First off, thanks for the great program. If I can get a handle on this, I'll more then likely buy the programs. But I want to get really comfortable first. Anyway, I'm just doing some really basic simple stuff as you can see. I want to make grass and a few trees and bushes. My grass is not coming out the way I would like at all and the trees really look photoshopped into the picture. The edge of the grass is nothing short of bad and the tiling of the grass texture is horrible. I'm about ready to give up after 2 days and about 8 hours of fidgeting with this. Any help would be great. Yes, I did the tutorials and yes, I read through the forums. I just can't get the results I want.


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Re: Please help me improve
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2011, 01:10:13 PM »

What render engine do you use ? The technique may be very different from using Scanline or VRay.

As general tip, for grass i suggest to use a Full distribution map, applying random translation and scale. Since Forest Lite doesn't support Random Tint, you could add some diversity using different grass samples, modifying slightly the map's color or using several textures.

To get rid off the grass edge, use a thinner texture and smaller grass patches. If the texture included with Forest Lite doesn't fit your needs, you can create alternative maps rendering a 3D grass model with alpha channel, to get the texture and mask.

For VRay grass, please see this post that includes a realistic grass sample scene:

About the trees, to get realistic results using billboards on closer views, you should try different textures and models to find the best fit for the view. But probably, for this scene would be better to use a 3D tree. In the Urban Park tutorial you can find a free 3D palm model.

Carlos Quintero
iToo Software