Ive been working and building 5 different forest sets. I apply them around my scene and they render just fine. Then all of a sudden as Im working and doing test renderings not making any changes to the forest objects, all forest objects will disappear and only show little orange crosses in their place. The rendering will stop after about 30 seconds into processing and the progress bar just disappears. I can no longer render at all, I cant see the forest objects in my viewport, and I cannot do an undo. I have to open a backup file. Its now been 2 days of this happening and I cannot figure out what is going on or what is causing it, It seams to just happen randomly.
The weird thing is, I cant select the forest object with a click in the viewport I have to hit H and select through scene explorer in 3ds max. Then If I copy it into another version of 3ds max. It works again, shows up and renders perfectly. But obviously copying my entire file into a new max file 10 times a day isn't a reasonable workflow.
Any help would be great!
Im in the newest version of Forest Pack. 3ds max 2023, and Vray 6.