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Author Topic: Compatibility of corona 7  (Read 1013 times)


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Compatibility of corona 7
« on: August 19, 2021, 08:23:56 AM »
Please update the adaptation compatible with corona 7 officially. At present, it takes 3 minutes to analyze some scenes of forests under the use of corona 7! It is recommended to optimize! :( :( :( :( :(

Paul Roberts

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Re: Compatibility of corona 7
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2021, 09:37:03 AM »

Sorry to hear you are facing these issues. Would it be possible to send us the problematic scene so that we can dig a little deeper to understand where the bottleneck is? You can send it to, using a service like wetransfer for large files.

I would also like to mention that Corona and several other renderers actually support us via our API, so there is a limit to how much we are able to do on our side. There is also a known issue when using Corona Proxies, especially animated proxies, that requires a fix from the Corona side. If you are using proxies, that could be it. You can read more about it here:*)/fpp-corona-animated-proxies-and-scene-parsingprep-time/


« Last Edit: August 19, 2021, 10:47:01 AM by Paul Roberts »
Paul Roberts
iToo Software


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Re: Compatibility of corona 7
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2021, 10:26:30 AM »
Thank you, but I can't open this page. Can I send a complete link? In addition, I seem to have solved this problem in the process of retesting. It seems to be the problem of corona displacement map. It can be easily rendered without displacement map.

Paul Roberts

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Re: Compatibility of corona 7
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2021, 10:57:19 AM »
Apologies, I've updated the link. If displacement was enabled though, then that's probably the explanation.

All the best,

Paul Roberts
iToo Software