Effects are stored in the following parameters:
efidlist : unique ID identifier, generated randomly
efnamelist : name
efxmllist : effect code in XML format
efenablelist : on/off
efselspeclist : Apply to models (on/off)
efspeclist : List of IDs for models
And parameters are stored here:
efpaid : parameter ID
efpaeffid : effect ID (from efidlist)
efpatype : type of parameter
efpaname : name
efpalimit : limit enabled
efpadesc : description
efpanumtype : type for numeric parameters
efpaintval : integer value
efpaintmin : integer minimum
efpaintmax : integer maximum
efpaintdef : integer default value
efpafloatval : float value
efpafloatmin : float minimum
efpafloatmax : float maximum
efpafloatdef : float default value
efpaunitval : units value
efpaunitmin : units minimum
efpaunitmax : units maximum
efpaunitdef : units default value
efpainode : object
efpaspline : spline
efpacontref : controller reference
efpacontanim : controller ID
efpacontype : controller type
efpatexmap : texture map
efpacurve : curve
As you can see, all parameters are stored together in the second list.
To identify what is the effect of each parameter, "efpaeffid" is used, which must correspont with "efidlist".
All IDs generated randomly, so they are unique.
When an effect is loaded from the .eff preset, a new ID is generated. This is done to avoid duplicates, in case you add a same effect multiple times.
On the other hand, each parameter has an unique ID as well, stored at "efpaid". But these cannot be changed, because are referenced in the XML code.
As far as i remember, the effect ID is not stored in the .eff file. I think what you see are the parameter IDs.
I hope that helps.