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Author Topic: could someone help decipher this error in 3ds max?  (Read 8812 times)


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could someone help decipher this error in 3ds max?
« on: August 11, 2017, 08:49:41 PM »
i think it happened when i selected a pre-made library object which i store on a network drive.  thanks!

i got this maxscript error and here it is in it's entirety :

Welcome to MAXScript.

id:#eyeInTheSky   function: dmnotification()
-- MAXScript Callback script Exception:
-- Known system exception
-- ########################################################################
-- Address: 0x2cff420; nCode: 0x00000000C0000005
-- Desc: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
--       Read of Address: 0x0000000000000000
-- ########################################################################
-- MAXScript callstack:
--   thread data: threadID:14036
--   ------------------------------------------------------
--   [stack level: 0]
--   In px_syncRagdollList(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\stdplugs\stdscripts\(MassFX)\; position: 8989; line: 376
--      Locals:
--         t: $Forest:Forest-GrassABMixSmall iray @ [-35.897362,12.060636,0.000000]
--      Externals:
--         PxRagdollList: Global:PxRagdollList : #()
--         owner: undefined
--   ------------------------------------------------------
--   [stack level: 1]
--   called from anonymous codeblock
--      Locals:
--      Externals:
--         px_syncRagdollList: Global:px_syncRagdollList : px_syncRagdollList()
--   ------------------------------------------------------
--   [stack level: 2]
--   called from top-level
-- ########################################################################
-- C++ callstack:
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): InvalidateNodeRect
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): Generic::apply
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): CodeTree::eval
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): Generic::apply
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): CodeTree::eval
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): SetPrintAllElements
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): Primitive::apply
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): CodeTree::eval
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): clear_error_source_data
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): Primitive::apply
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): CodeTree::eval
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): Primitive::apply
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): CodeTree::eval
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): SourceFileWrapper::eval
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): Generic::apply
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): CodeTree::eval
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): SourcePositionWrapper::apply_no_alloc_frame
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): SourceFileWrapper::eval
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): UndoObject::setNameID
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): UndoObject::setNameID
-- (core): (filename not available): BroadcastNotification
-- (3dsmax): (filename not available): XMLAnimTreeEntry::GetSubNum
-- (3dsmax): (filename not available): UtilGfx::InitRectIPoint3
-- (ForestPackPro): (filename not available): getScatterProxy
-- (ForestPackPro): (filename not available): getScatterProxy
-- (ForestPackPro): (filename not available): getScatterProxy
-- (ForestPackPro): (filename not available): getScatterProxy
-- (ForestPackPro): (filename not available): GetIDDesc
-- (ParamBlk2): (filename not available): DestroyRWParamMap2
-- (ParamBlk2): (filename not available): ParamBlockDesc2::AddInterface
-- (core): (filename not available): MaxSDK::QmaxRefDADSourceEvent::type
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CreateDialogParamW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CreateDialogParamW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CreateDialogParamW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): TranslateMessageEx
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CallWindowProcW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CallWindowProcW
-- (UIControls): (filename not available): InitializeCustomUI
-- (UIControls): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- (USER32): (filename not available): TranslateMessageEx
-- (USER32): (filename not available): SetWindowTextW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): IsDialogMessageW
-- (ntdll): (filename not available): KiUserCallbackDispatcher
-- (USER32): (filename not available): IsDialogMessageW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): GetWindowLongPtrA
-- (USER32): (filename not available): SendMessageW
-- (ForestPackPro): (filename not available): getScatterProxy
-- (ForestPackPro): (filename not available): getScatterProxy
-- (ForestPackPro): (filename not available): getScatterProxy
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CreateDialogParamW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CreateDialogParamW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CreateDialogParamW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): TranslateMessageEx
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CallWindowProcW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CallWindowProcW
-- (UIControls): (filename not available): InitializeCustomUI
-- (UIControls): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- (USER32): (filename not available): TranslateMessageEx
-- (USER32): (filename not available): SetWindowTextW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): IsDialogMessageW
-- (ntdll): (filename not available): KiUserCallbackDispatcher
-- (USER32): (filename not available): IsDialogMessageW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): GetWindowLongPtrA
-- (USER32): (filename not available): SendMessageW
-- (ForestPackPro): (filename not available): getScatterProxy
-- (ForestPackPro): (filename not available): getScatterProxy
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CreateDialogParamW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CreateDialogParamW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CreateDialogParamW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): TranslateMessageEx
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CallWindowProcW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CallWindowProcW
-- (UIControls): (filename not available): InitializeCustomUI
-- (UIControls): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- (USER32): (filename not available): TranslateMessageEx
-- (USER32): (filename not available): SetWindowTextW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): IsDialogMessageW
-- (ntdll): (filename not available): KiUserCallbackDispatcher
-- (USER32): (filename not available): IsDialogMessageW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): GetWindowLongPtrA
-- (USER32): (filename not available): SendMessageW
-- (COMCTL32): (filename not available): TaskDialog
-- (COMCTL32): (filename not available): TaskDialog
-- (USER32): (filename not available): TranslateMessageEx
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CallWindowProcW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CallWindowProcW
-- (UIControls): (filename not available): InitializeCustomUI
-- (USER32): (filename not available): TranslateMessageEx
-- (USER32): (filename not available): TranslateMessage
-- (USER32): (filename not available): IsDialogMessageW
-- (3dsmax): (filename not available): NodeAndAnims::SetNode
-- ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- (clr): (filename not available): LegacyNGenTryEnumerateFusionCache
-- ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- (3dsmax): (filename not available): UtilGfx::kFONT_WIDTH
-- ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- ########################################################################

Michal Karmazín

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Re: could someone help decipher this error in 3ds max?
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2017, 04:42:52 PM »

Though it's produced by the MassFX (not our plug-in), we'll try to check it here. Would you mind to send us that file, you're importing from? Thanks in advance.

As far as I know, PhysX (MassFX) might have issues with groups being used in scenes and Ungroup these can help. Anyway, I would encourage you to contact directly Autodesk regarding this problem as I'm afraid we can't do much more in this case. Thanks for your comprehension.

Best regadrs,


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  • Posts: 28
Re: could someone help decipher this error in 3ds max?
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2017, 03:06:48 PM »
sorry i never got notified of a reply - thanks!  i will open up that scene where i created the library and see if there is something going on it with.  thanks for spotting that massfx, geez i skipped right over it when i was reviewing ha.  that's why i never coded :)