I don't know if RenderManager includes some tool to handle texture paths automatically.
As general rule in a default Max installation, we suggest to use the method described
here for render nodes.
Basically, texture paths should be defined in
3dsmax.ini->BitmapDirs. This can be done manually or from
Customize->Configure User Paths->External files.
In this way the Asset Tracker will locate and reassign the right path for each asset, without any user intervention.
Other way is to use the Asset Tracker to resolve the paths to UNC. But as you pointed out, this requires a manual process. I think the 'BitmapDirs' approach is much better.
In any case, Forest doesn't modfy in any way the path defined in the material, and there are several reasons to not do it.
In fact, we try to clean our libraries removing all paths, leaving only the file name.
How does your studio handle the paths for other shared assets (not Forest) ?