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Author Topic: Distribute by Reference - Am I missing something? Or has FP betrayed me?  (Read 1593 times)


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Dear Itoosoft,
I have been a loyal user for years, landscaping my arch-viz scenes with FPP for many years.  It is the ONE reason I haven't yet abandoned 3dsMax for Modo.  FPP has been an indispensable tool, a HUGE time saver when it comes to accurately distributing plant species according to the designers landscape plans. 

I just updated to the newest version (I don't always upgrade immediately when new versions are released, so this message comes a bit "late").  "Distribute by Reference" has been removed from the "Items Editor" and placed into the "Distribution" rollout.  This almost seems like an April Fools joke or something??  I couldn't believe this when I saw it, because I knew immediately what it meant.  I HOPE I am missing some new workflow.  But my old workflow is completely useless now.  Let me explain-

My prior workflow-
1) import cad blocks (instances) of all tree/shrub instances
2) select a block of each species, with the Object Renamer tool rename all instances to "species here"
3) go to Items Editor, enter subobject mode, click ADD, choose species geometry, choose reference objects, and click "create"
4) repeat step 3 for each species

I could populate a massive site with many species in a very short period of time.

NOW... it seems I have to create a separate Forest object for EACH SPECIES??  And if I want to tweak settings for Geometry, Area, Surface, Transform, Materials, etc....  I have to do this for EACH SPECIES????

PLEASE Tell me I'm missing something?!!? 



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So far, the only workaround I see is this-

1) create separate Forest Object for each species
2) use Distribute by Reference object to scatter according to cad blocks
3) Convert each species to "Items"
4) at the bottom of "Items Editor", attach multiple to bring all species back into 1 object so all can be tweaked (transform, material, delete selected plants, etc...) in one place

I still hope I'm missing something, as new features are supposed reduce the amount of time required to complete a task, not the opposite.

If I am not missing something... what is the logic behind this change???


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Hi, i'm sorry this change in Forest affected your workflow.

We replaced the old Creation Tools by the new Distribution mode because the dynamic link was requested by some customers.
Using it, any change on the objects is reflected automatically on Forest. This is very useful for animation and other purposes.

I'm discussing with our team possible changes to assign the species, according to the referenced objects. That should solve your problem, and other similar cases.

Until then, your workaround is the right one: create separated FP objects by species, and once completed, convert to custom Edit and attach them.

Thanks for your understanding.
Carlos Quintero
iToo Software


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Hi Carlos,
Would it be possible to just add in the old implementation?  and have both?  Perhaps rename the new one to "Dynamic Link by Reference Object"?  or something like that?


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Be allowed to choose multiple species, and then choose groups of reference objects per species?

My last suggestion still stands in addition to this.  It's important because having this ability in the Items Editor gives the user the ability to move or delete specific plants.  For example, if I have my camera set exactly where I want it, for an architectural still rendering, but there are some trees or plants obscuring the view, I can move them or delete them to create the best composition.  Not to mention it's just a lot less clicking, not having to create separate objects, convert them, and then merge them.  Having this in the Items Editor WAS a real "power feature" that got removed in the latest versions.


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Oh no!  I second the vote to reinstate replace by reference!  It's not a feature I use daily . . .  but when I do its a HUGE time saver!


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We are discussing several ideas, in the line of improving the current Distribution by Reference, or a new complete set of tools for Custom Edit mode.

In any case, thanks for your feedback. It will helps us to decide the best workflow for everyone.

Carlos Quintero
iToo Software


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Sounds good Carlos, thanks for listening!!