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Author Topic: Problem with transforming vertices and collision  (Read 3842 times)


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Problem with transforming vertices and collision
« on: March 01, 2018, 01:30:08 PM »

I have a question,

When i activate collisions on my scattered trees bushes etc
the "transforming vertices" stages goes up from mere 10 seconds to 4 minutes.

I am talking about 3 forest pack pro objects with scattered evermotion trees and bushes, around 1m all of them.

I am using dual xeon 48 threads.

My forest packs dont have either animation on, or edges on area on, which i saw was the problem in other cases. My problem identifies when i turn on "collisions" on distribution panel.

Any workaround so that i get no collision but without so much time in each frame?

Thanks a lot

Michal Karmazín

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Re: Problem with transforming vertices and collision
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2018, 05:18:51 PM »

In some cases, the Collisions feature might cause a significant performance hit on large distributions because of the very low efficiency of this method - all items need to be generated and later a huge amount of those might be discarded, which might take time & system resources.

Please feel free to send us a simplified scene to check it here. Thanks in advance.

I would suggest you switch from Generate to the Custom Edit mode - this way the "final positions calculation" will be made only while switching the mode and it'll be not necessary to perform it every time you start the rendering process.

Best regards,