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Author Topic: Forest on Phoenix fd, infinite loading until crash  (Read 1577 times)


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Forest on Phoenix fd, infinite loading until crash
« on: December 21, 2020, 03:42:57 PM »
Hey guys,

I have a scene where i'm using fp in an unusual way, i'm using a phoenix fd ocean sim as a surface to distribute alot of objects on the water surface.
It's actually working quite fine and giving me the results i'm looking for when it's not crashing.

The problem i'm facing, is that when i'm looking at the horizon(config_2 picture), vray get stuck at "updating instances" forever until ram get overloaded and the pc crash.

When changing the camera angle high enough(see config_1 picture) it is making phoenix somewhat a capped mesh and is rendering fine in this case.

So i think FP is having problems with the heavy displacement from the PhoenixFDOceantex when the ocean is getting extended to the horizon and becomes a large surface.

Do you think there are any options i'm missing or i'm just hiting the limitation of an already funky way of using forest?

Thank you for your help.

Michal Karmazín

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Re: Forest on Phoenix fd, infinite loading until crash
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2020, 10:40:02 AM »

I'm sorry to hear you're facing these troubles. Which Rendering mode of the PhoenixFD object are you using (please try using the Mesh / Cap Mesh instead of the Ocean Mesh)? Also, did you try setting the Settings > System > Default Geometry to Static from Automatic / Dynamic? Any additional info is welcome. If you'll be able to reproduce it on a minimal scene, which you can send us, it would be great.

Thanks in advance for any further comments on this issue you can share about it with us / our user community (in case some user(s) will run into similar troubles).

Best regards,


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Re: Forest on Phoenix fd, infinite loading until crash
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2020, 05:25:25 PM »

thank you for your help, sadly the static mode didn"t make the trick.
I can't really change the phx to any other mode since i must use it as ocean mesh(to get that infinite horizon).

i'm off for xmas hollidays tonight, i'll try to assemble a scene for you in january and report back.
