Itoo Software Forum

Author Topic: Forest Pack Distribution Map: Multitexture or VrayMultisub texture not working  (Read 3152 times)


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I have 1 object with multiple elements with randomized material ID's.
On this surface I want to use Forest pack.

I want to use multiple bitmaps in 1 map to define the distribution map.
I wanted to distribute the objects by using the "multitexture map" from CG source or the "VraymultiSub texture map".
BUT: both of them only show & work on the first map! They also only show the first map in the viewport (this is normal. might that be the problem?)

Thanks for the quick answer.
Kind regards,


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Addition: It also doesn't work for the Color ID map in the "Diversity" section. So My guess is that the problem is the map type?
Is there a possible solution for this (that doesn't involve unwrapping an render to texture...)

Thanks and kind regards,

Michal Karmazín

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Unfortunately, MultiTexture (CG Source) / VRayMultiSubTex will not work as Distribution map in Forest Pack, because they are computed at render time, but scattering process is done in a previous stage.

Anyway, would you please post an example how the distribution should look like? Thanks in advance. I would suggest "baking" the map to texture, but maybe there will be another workaround ...

Kind regards,


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Thanks for the quick reply. I understand. I already thought this was the case.
If it is impossible to get the mulitexture map or vray multisub map working, then the quickest way would probably be baking.
To bad. I really wanted to automate this process....
Attached is a simple test scene I've made for this. Please take no notion of the textures etc. It is just for test purposes.

Would be great if there is a possible solution that doesn't involve baking the textures.

Best regards,


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I presume there is no solution for this except baking?

Thanks and kind regards,

Michal Karmazín

  • iToo Software
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Please apologize the delay. Have been trying to find some another workaround, but I'm afraid the rendering process needs to be involved (baking it).

Best regards,


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  • Posts: 28
Shit. I was afraid of this.
Thanks. If you do find a solution in the future (maybe in a plugin / script or something) I'd really like to know.

Thanks again.
Best regards