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Author Topic: FP6 > FP7 - Custom Edit - Things shifting around - still an issue?  (Read 2632 times)


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Hi devs,

I recall reading when you just released FP7 that when opening a scene using FP6 which has custom edit mode scatter positions e.g. custom located trees, they will NOT appear in exactly the same locations when upgrading to FP7. Is that still the case? If so, is there a fix planned or workaround? This is a pretty critical one for us and stopping us upgrading, as we are constantly being asked by clients to update scenes from sometimes years back and the results cannot change.

Many thanks,
Alex York
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Re: FP6 > FP7 - Custom Edit - Things shifting around - still an issue?
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2021, 11:05:23 AM »
I recall reading when you just released FP7 that when opening a scene using FP6 which has custom edit mode scatter positions e.g. custom located trees, they will NOT appear in exactly the same locations when upgrading to FP7.

Yes there are issues opening FP7 scene with previous version FP6.
This is almost the same as opening Max 2022 file with Max 2019. Even if You downgrade it, some features might not work.


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Re: FP6 > FP7 - Custom Edit - Things shifting around - still an issue?
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2021, 11:37:22 AM »
I recall reading when you just released FP7 that when opening a scene using FP6 which has custom edit mode scatter positions e.g. custom located trees, they will NOT appear in exactly the same locations when upgrading to FP7.

Yes there are issues opening FP7 scene with previous version FP6.
This is almost the same as opening Max 2022 file with Max 2019. Even if You downgrade it, some features might not work.

Hi Rokas,

Can you be a bit more specific on this please? Is it what I mentioned above regarding positions of things changing? I would of course agree that when opening max scenes from previous versions long ago you might expect some changes here and there (although not object positions), but going from FP6>FP7 is a single step up and any kind of movement/change in placed objects is a major headache... Are you not planning at all on a legacy checkbox or some kind of warning with a converter routine we can run if needed?

Alex York
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Re: FP6 > FP7 - Custom Edit - Things shifting around - still an issue?
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2021, 11:48:35 AM »
It is fine if You go forward from FP6 to FP7 and not open newly saved file with previous FP6.

I would of course agree that when opening max scenes from previous versions long ago you might expect some changes here and there (although not object positions)
I don't agree with this. This is breaking backward compatibility. This is bad.



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Re: FP6 > FP7 - Custom Edit - Things shifting around - still an issue?
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2021, 11:59:54 AM »
I think we have some wires crossed somewhere :)

Ok, so what you're saying is that if we upgrade to FP7 now and we open up a scene file that was created using FP6 then it should look identical? If so this is quite fine, and expected. My impression from a previous reading was that this would break, as object positions will change.

Is this the case? If so we can safely upgrade.

Many thanks,
Alex York
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Re: FP6 > FP7 - Custom Edit - Things shifting around - still an issue?
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2021, 12:06:26 PM »
I think we have some wires crossed somewhere :)

Ok, so what you're saying is that if we upgrade to FP7 now and we open up a scene file that was created using FP6 then it should look identical? If so this is quite fine, and expected.


My impression from a previous reading was that this would break, as object positions will change.
I am not sure where.  I think this was the same talk as we have just did.


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Re: FP6 > FP7 - Custom Edit - Things shifting around - still an issue?
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2021, 12:10:56 PM »
I'm not sure where I read this either, but probably somewhere here on the forum, as this was in my head from weeks ago when you guys first released it, and we were going to jump on the upgrade at the time but decided not to, as we were under the impression that it was not backwards compatible with FP6 scenes. So it turns out it's fine, and it's the other way around, which makes a lot more sense :)

Alex York
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