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Author Topic: Get Forest color id to be the same as wirecolour?  (Read 2146 times)

Screenscene vfx

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Get Forest color id to be the same as wirecolour?
« on: November 05, 2015, 05:12:32 PM »
Heya Folks,

Just as a thing, I like to sync up my geometric oibjects wireframe colour with their forest color id - is there any way that when you pick a scene object as a forest geo that it's colour id could match the wireframe colour? Also would it be possible to output colour id's in the vray wireframe colour element so you can tell what's what easily, or is this a limitation of the forest object being a single node in max?

Edit - even something like outputting the colour id in the vertex colour channel?


« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 11:40:57 AM by Screenscene vfx »


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Re: Get Forest color id to be the same as wirecolour?
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2015, 04:04:13 PM »
Hi, unfortunately it's not possible to generate multiples IDs from a Forest object. Both Max and VRay see it as a single entity, with its own object ID.
As far as i know, we cannot modify vertex colour or other channels from the plugin either. These channels are handled  internally by V-Ray.

But as workaround, you would use Forest Tools to generate stand-alone instances. These instances inherit the ID and wireframe color from the source object.
Carlos Quintero
iToo Software