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Author Topic: IPR + FP 7.4.3  (Read 1155 times)


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IPR + FP 7.4.3
« on: September 26, 2022, 06:23:04 PM »
I have recently updated to FP 7.4.3 after a couple of years of not upgrading.
I am sad to see there are still issues when using IPR with FP. I thought this would be solved but apparently not.
I have looked within the forum to see if there were updates on this but nothing too recent.
My issue is that FP objects disappear when launching IPR, so I really cannot move things around (in custom edit mode).
The only thing that works is changing display mode to proxy, which keeps viewport visibility, although selected items do not show in red in the viewport.
POint cloud mode hides the objects completely in the viewport and does not allow for selection of items.
I read that this issue was related to Max, and not to FP.
Has there been no progress on this?
I have tried on max2022/23 and vray 5/6. SAme behaviour.
Any further feedback appreciated.


Michal Karmazín

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Re: IPR + FP 7.4.3
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2022, 10:39:32 AM »

Well, I’m afraid, that there are still several limitations while using the IPR mode because 3ds Max isn’t primarily designed for it and a series of cheats are being used (from the renderer side and from our side) to make it work.

If you want to use the Points Cloud viewport mode while adjusting items in the Custom Edit mode, you can “reselect” the Style - Small Dot / Large Dot mode to “refresh” the viewport.

We'll check what can be done in future versions, but unfortunately, it’s really hard and sometimes even impossible to fix issues that occur with the Interactive Rendering (because of reasons mentioned above). Thanks for your comprehension.

Best regards,