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Author Topic: Scale pb on Linked FBX object  (Read 851 times)


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Scale pb on Linked FBX object
« on: March 24, 2020, 03:47:09 PM »
i'm working on a linked FBX from Revit.
The import create dummies for the trees position, that is great.
But, I have a scale probleme, as here :*)/rescale-world-units-problem/

Note that if I convert to poly a linked surface, i loose the link so that is not perfect.

So I tried, by duplicating the surface ans reset xform and distribute on it and I still got the scale pb, everything is too big.
When I use the dummies for reference (without surface), no mater I tick the "scale" setting or not, it's also too big.

So some dummies seems to work on another place in the project (and other surface), but not all of them.

Any idea of how I can solve this ?





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Re: Scale pb on Linked FBX object
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2020, 08:06:45 AM »

That looks like an import / units / rescaling issue as when using any "scaled surface(s)" Forest will inherit this scale (and that's not always desirable). In these cases, I would suggest you to apply the Reset XForm utility over that surface to reset its local coordinates & scale.

Generally, if you are using an imported surface, usually it's handy to apply the Reset XForm utility on it to "reset" it's local coordinates.

Hope that helps, but if the problem persist, please feel free to send us  your scene to analyse it here. Thanks in advance.

Best regadrs,