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Author Topic: Scattering objects on a spline with various z axis positions  (Read 2827 times)


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Scattering objects on a spline with various z axis positions
« on: September 14, 2016, 03:21:16 PM »
Hello people from the forum. Last week I had a project where I needed to scatter various bushes on various heights. At first I used the mesh surface of the green areas on the roof as a scattering surface but for some reason in the areas rollout the boundary checking was not working well, it was not reacting at all when I select one of the 3 options ( Point, size or edge). I found out that this only works with splines/lines instead of mesh surfaces but the other main problem that I get with lines is that forest won't scatter objects over  a spline that has various lines on different Z-heights. Is there a way to make this work?

Also I was wondering is it possible to scatter a group with forest pack or even exclude a group in the areas rollout? My last question is when I scatter along lines I found that only by braking all the vertexes inside the lines the scatter starts to work properly. Is this another way to do so without braking all vertex lines?

Best regards,

Michal Karmazín

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Re: Scattering objects on a spline with various z axis positions
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2016, 03:59:35 PM »
Hi Sofia,

Any Spline Areas (closed / opened) define only the region for the distribution, but not the elevation. Adding such surface to the Forest object - Surface - Add surface should fix it. For these purposes the Areas - Surface Area should be turned OFF. As described in our on-line reference guide:

"Surfaces are often used to define the scattered item's position on the Z axis in conjunction with splines and paint areas to define the region on the X and Y axes. Occasionally you may find that the full terrain is filled with items,even though there are spline areas in the Items List. If this is the case the usual problem is because the Area is on, when using surfaces with other Include areas it is important to turn the Surface off."

In case of scattering on complicated geometry there is also UV Surface mode available under Surface tab using UV coordinates instead of XY standard ones.
"... is it possible to scatter a group with forest pack ..."
Groups are supported, but for a different feature: to create clusters of objects that must be scattered together (e.g. clumps of grass and flowers). In this case, each item is handled as an independent item. You can see an example of use in the Forest 4 demo reel.

As mentioned in our on-line reference guide: "Do not use groups for objects that must be handled as a unique object (for example a tree and its leaves). In this case, attach all the individual parts into single mesh."

Actually, all objects which must be handled as an unique entity (as trees), all group objects have to be attached in a unique mesh.
"... when I scatter along lines I found that only by braking all the vertexes inside the lines the scatter starts to work properly ..."
Well, in case of open splines, the final result might depend also on the vertex type & the Interpolation of such shape object, but usually, there's no need to break vertices. Please feel free to share with us more detailed info regarding your troubles (a screen-shot would be ideal).

Best regards,