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Author Topic: Scene Size  (Read 1394 times)


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Scene Size
« on: January 26, 2017, 10:17:14 AM »

Merge, not Xref is selected by default. 

I have a scene that's got a lot of FP in.  The scene is now just over 2gb's. 

Is using Xref's recommended if the user thinks a lot of FP is going to be needed? 

What are the downsides to using Xrefs, not merge?

Is there a way to switch a current FP in the scene so that it uses Xrefs and removes the merged assets?

Now a couple of things I've been meaning to ask for ages:

I have a FP with some trees in.  I then need to make a separate FP but want to use one or more trees that have already been brought/merged in.  Does FP look at the scene and reuse the tree that's already brought in or does it bring in a new one?  If it brings in a new one, is there a way to avoid it doing this?

In the the Scene Explorer, there are  quite a few items with names like '_forest_library_745ZBJY'.  If one of these is a tree, and this is a tree I want to use in another FP (but don't want to bring in again), is there a way I can add this item to my geometry list?

If I'm on the right track with this being how FP works, is there a way to determine what tree model _forest_library_745ZBJY belongs to?

Many thanks,


Michal Karmazín

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Re: Scene Size
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2017, 04:43:58 PM »
Hi Sean,

"What are the downsides to using Xrefs, not merge?"

There are no many downsides, but for example as mentioned in this "Set to X-ref to library - presets problem" post regarding bundled presets: "... we decided to disable XRef for all presets. But there is a good reason for that: in this way we can modify these presets on Forest updates (i.e. optimize them, update materials, etc), while keeping the compatibility with existing scenes. If not, a same scene would look different depending of the Forest version used. Anyway you can enable the XRef option easily, editing the index.xml (in the library folder) and setting xref="1" in the first line (it is set to 0 by default). Instead modifying the default libraries, i suggest you create a copy in the User's Libraries branch and edit it. If not, all changes will be overwritten by the Forest updates."
"Is there a way to switch a current FP in the scene so that it uses Xrefs and removes the merged assets?"
As mentioned in following "Switch out mesh plants in scene to ForestPack proxy objects" post, there's a handy tool, which helps you with this task - Convert Selected Objects to XRefs ... tool (under References - XRef Objects).
"... is there a way to determine what tree model forest_library_745ZBJY belongs to?"
Well, as mentioned in the "Feature Suggestion: Keep object name for the imported mesh" thread (in case of XRef objects, you'll see the "linked source object" easily, in case of merging it, it's not so easy):

"... objects are renamed in this way to avoid duplicated names. We cannot guarantee that objects are unique, specially for third party libraries."

Best regards,