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Author Topic: Custom Edit with animated plants issue  (Read 1651 times)

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Custom Edit with animated plants issue
« on: October 05, 2022, 02:33:15 AM »
Hi There,

I'm using FP7.3.1, I have FP that has static plants together with animated plants. When it's in Generate mode everything is fine, when I stop the test rendering, I can still edit the forest and see the physical forest pack. But when I turn it to Custom Edit mode and press test render, forest pack in the viewport disappear, I can't see anything in the viewport, but it's in the render and still rendering when I start the render test again. But the physical FP is not in the viewport anymore and I can't edit anymore because I can't see it.


Michal Karmazín

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Re: Custom Edit with animated plants issue
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2022, 07:59:33 AM »

Are you using IR / IPR rendering? If so, please check this tightly related post. I hope that helps. Thanks in advance for any further comments on this issue you can share about it with us / our user community (in case some user(s) will run into similar troubles).

Best regards,