I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing these troubles. Would you mind saving and sending us the minidump file of the crash? We would really appreciate any additional insights you can provide on this issue, which could benefit both us and the user community.
Best regards,
I can't.
It's just that a window shows up suggesting either saving a copy of the current scene or not (if you actually look at the screenshot). No "3dsmax_minidump.dmp" file is present.
I suggest you try to replicate some of the bugs for now. For instance, with an active Forest Pack layer, just start a V-Ray GPU interactive render, and the Forest Pack display will start to appear and disappear (Display > Point Clouds active).
Also, with an active Forest Pack layer (Display > Point Clouds active) and V-Ray VFB interactive rendering, try going under Editable Poly > Polygon of any object in the scene, and you'll see another bug.
Please look at the attached video.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/54m42dbx3yi6v3qpsn0g4/Screen-Recording-2024-11-22-110137.mp4?rlkey=49h9m9uof234a9bo9nayiy3pj&st=abrzhmcr&dl=0C'mon guys, I can't point out every bug you have. Try to replicate them from the videos I attached earlier. It’s not that hard.