Itoo Software Forum

Author Topic: Some artistic images made with forest pack  (Read 3222 times)

Andre Salviato

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Some artistic images made with forest pack
« on: July 06, 2016, 12:44:10 PM »
Hello! How are you?

I'm posting some works with forest pack

I hope you enjoy :)

Best regards

Paul Roberts

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Re: Some artistic images made with forest pack
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2016, 01:03:24 PM »

Thanks for submitting your images. They're very nice! Would you mind if we added them to our gallery and shared via our Social Media? If that's ok and you have the time we'd really appreciate it if you could email with the following info.

- A brief description of the project, just a few lines is enough. If you're able to describe how Forest Pack helped you that would be great!
- As a formality, a simple disclaimer authorising us to use and share your work for publicity. Something like the statement below would be perfect:

    "I hereby give iToo Software the right to use my images and videos as part of their marketing and promotional material as they see fit. I would appreciate the copyright to be stated as [NAME] with links to [WEBSITE] where possible

I hope that's ok and please feel free to keep sending us your work.


Paul Roberts
iToo Software

Andre Salviato

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Re: Some artistic images made with forest pack
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2016, 02:13:43 PM »
Hi Paul,

I'm glad you enjoyed my work!

I sent an e-mail  :)
