Hi Guys,
first of all sorry for this post as i use RC lite and cant post any questions in their forums
i have a very simple help that i require as you are expert enough to help me
i just want to make a staircase from the default library that is available in RC
the only problem is that the RC geometry doesnt follow the spline that i am creating, the geometry just breaks somewhere in middle or overlaps or the faces are extruded unexpectedly
i tried to change certain parameters in the RC graph editor butwas not successful so finally i thought of asking foryour help
also i went through the tutorial of creating stairs available in the tutorial section of Itoo webpage but wasunable to apply it in my work
i am also attaching the 3dsmax file for help (3dsmax 2015 design, Vray 3.60.03, FPP 5.4.1, RC lite 3.10)
Hope to get some help