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Author Topic: RailClone Verticle Rooms Struggle (from Tutorial)  (Read 10097 times)


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RailClone Verticle Rooms Struggle (from Tutorial)
« on: September 05, 2017, 02:58:20 PM »

I've been using 6 hours trying to figure out how to do one thing. I followed every step of the "Populating Building Interiors with Forest Pack and RailClone"
tutorial 9 times without anything changing.

If you take a look at the attachment you can see that I have two types of a room that I am trying to stack randomly up towards the Y coordinate.
What happens is that I successfully stack everything upwards, but everything is rotated and there is a big hole in the middle.

If anyone know the solution it would be much apreciated!

Michal Karmazín

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Re: RailClone Verticle Rooms Struggle (from Tutorial)
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2017, 05:14:09 PM »

I would suggest you to double check the local axis orientation of used Segments - rotating these should fix it. RailClone uses the object's local pivot point to align imported segments. These are used to orient segments in relation to it's own local coordinate system.

For more detailed info, please feel free to check the Splines and orientation section of the "Creating Weave Patterns" tutorial. Hope you'll find it interesing and helpful.

Best regards,


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Re: RailClone Verticle Rooms Struggle (from Tutorial)
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2017, 08:45:28 PM »
Thank you for your reply! I just had to turn the pivot :)